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Tropical Leaves

Frequenty Asked Questions

Below are answers to some questions you may have regarding virtual learning and expectations during periods of at home learning, as well as transitions between in person and at home learning.


Check out the Hutto ISD Coronavirus Response page for questions about district policies and plans.


the Spring semester was rough! What makes this time around any different?

Your concerns and hesitation are COMPLETELY understandable. The spring semester was difficult for everyone - teachers included! We miss our students!!!!! The main difference between last semester and this semester is time and planning. Last semester, we finished the year in what teachers like to call "crisis teaching," which is not the same as virtual learning. Now that we have had some warning and time to plan, we are prepped with some pretty awesome resources and digital interactive learning for students. Obviously, this situation is not ideal from any standpoint, but we are WAY more prepared for virtual learning than we were for crisis learning.

How will grading work?

Grading policies will be the same for virtual and in person learning. For this course, daily assignments, homework, and minor grades will be 45% of a student's six weeks average. Major grades and assessments will count for 55% of a student's six weeks average. Grades will be updated in Skyward by Monday each week and will NOT be posted in Google Classroom.

Will There be late work/make up work?

Yes. Students will be required to submit assignments by the due date and AND TIME listed in Google Classroom for virtual assignments. Assignments not submitted by the date and time listed will be considered late and in this class, can be submitted for up to a 70% for three days from the day the grade is posted in Skyward.


how will Attendance be taken for virtual learning?

First, please note that attendance will be required daily for virtual learning. Student attendance will be based on daily participation. Students are required to log on and check in virtually in some way everyday. In this class, students will complete a daily warm up via Google Form, which be posted in Google Classroom. The form timestamps submissions, and will be used to determine whether students were active in class that day.

Can my student attend tutorials?

Yes, but it will look a little different this year. During virtual learning periods, students may reach out via email at any time. I will do my best to respond within two business days. I will actively monitor email and/or Google Chat during scheduled tutorial times, which will be during each class's scheduled time on Wednesday and Friday. 

When we return to in person learning, tutorials will be available Wednesday and Thursday morning by appointment only, as students will need a pass to attend. After school tutorials will not be available until further notice.

What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous learning and how will each be implemented?

According to TEA, synchronous learning is, “Two-way, real-time/live, virtual instruction between teachers and students when students are not on campus.”

According to TEA, synchronous learning is, “Instruction that does not require having the instructor and student engaged at the same time. In this method, students learn from instruction that is not necessarily being delivered in-person or in real time. This type of instruction may include various forms of digital and online learning…”

In this class, we will use a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning. For consistency, Mrs. Sharpe will rely primarily on Google Classroom to assign and collect assignments in both virtual and in person settings. During virtual learning, Mrs. Sharpe will have scheduled SYNCHRONOUS days, in which students are expected to join in the class Google Meet at the designated time. These will always be during the student's regularly scheduled class time, and dates will be announced in advance. We will also have ASYNCHRONOUS days, in which students will be able to complete work on their own time. Whether completed in a synchronous or asynchronous setting, all work must be submitted by the due date and time listed on Google Classroom. 

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